Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Nefariouspoo of Sarah (diabetic musings)

I am a 28 y.o. type 1 diabetic of 15 years on a pump (Paradigm). I have a three year old type 1 diabetic daughter diagnosed in October of 2006. I have a six year old son with PDD-NOS (a disorder on the autism spectrum). We are all frightfully normal despite our diagnoses, and we are all learning to live in this life with the challenges unique to our special needs. I never expected to be a single mum of two kids with special needs, but I also never expected my kids to be exactly what this "special needs mom" needs as well. We are navigating despite our diagnoses, and we are trying to show the world what diabetes and autism truly represent: Fabulous, Independent, Quirky Individuals (FIQI?) free glucose meter no cost free glucose meter mailed to you free glucose meter for people with no insurance free glucose meter for people with diabetes

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