Thursday, June 5, 2014

Why Consuming Sugar Makes Weight Loss So Tough

Consuming sugar should be drastically reduced in order to achieve weight loss.

Consuming sugar is a bad habit that we do because it is a craving and an emotionally-driven thing. Sugar gives us a rush of good feeling?it is in most of our comfort food and will be what sabotages most diets and exercise as well.

Why consuming sugar makes weight loss so tough?

When we want to lose weight, we immediately take away all the sugar we have been eating all this time. This is a counteractive thing to do because it is going to bring on cravings. In this case you are more apt to reach out for even more foods that contain sugar. This is counterproductive to weight loss. This goes back to mind set and changing your habits and not just diet.

Why ?dieting? doesn?t work and how sugar fits in:

When you diet you are essentially starving your body of calories by way of elimination or limitation of certain foods. What this does is throw your body into a tailspin of compensation. Your brain thinks it’s starving and will essentially hold on to what you eat and you will lose water weight and then wonder why you peak so quickly.

When you want to lose weight, yes, you should cut out sugar but you need to do it slowly and wean yourself off of the stuff?this takes a change in mindset. You need to take stock in what you eat each day and what the foods are that make you gain the weight the most. If it is soda, or cake or sweets or fats you need to list those. Then set the stage for success and begin to slowly and permanently substitute these foods. You will see that you will feel better and won?t be craving things because you

Read More Why Consuming Sugar Makes Weight Loss So Tough


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