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These weight loss crock pot dinners taste amazing and will help you keep warm during weight loss in winter.
This is the time of year for some good comfort food, and so you may want to think through some weight loss crock pot dinners. Many people think that comfort food, particularly the type made in a crock pot, can?t possibly be healthy?but this is a wrong assumption!
Using fresh and natural ingredients and making healthy substitutions can ensure that you get the ease of a crock pot meal, and yet not the usual fat that this sort of comfort food can bring. So if you?re wondering what to make tonight, try looking into one of these easy weight loss crock pot dinners that will wow any crowd!
Spicy Black Bean Soup
This is one of the easiest weight loss crock pot dinners out there, and yet it?s so substantial. You won?t believe how quickly you can make it, and it?s sure to please the most discerning taste.
1 tablespoon olive oil 2 medium-size red onions, chopped 1 medium-size red bell pepper, chopped 1 medium-size green bell pepper, chopped 4 garlic cloves, minced 4 teaspoons ground cumin 1 16-ounce package dried black beans 1 tablespoon chopped chipotle chiles from a can (use less if you prefer less heat) 7 cups hot water (tap water is fine) 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 teaspoons coarse kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Optional toppings: sour cream Greek yogurt crema or creme fraiche avocadoDirections:
Heat olive oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions and both bell peppers and saut� until beginning to brown, about eight minutes. Add garlic and cumin; stir one minute. Transfer mixture to 6-quart slow cooker. Add beans and chipotles, then 7 cups hot water. Cover and cook on high until beans are very tender, about 3 hours, but longer if necessary.
Transfer four cups bean mixture to blender; puree
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This is a guest post by Julie. It is said that variety is the spice of life and this could not be truer when it comes to maintaining a fitness regime. It?s easy to get stuck in a rut and simply stick to the same routine you feel comfortable with. Sticking to the same routine […]
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This is a guest post by Victoria Ramos. With the temptation of rotisserie pigs, sugary drinks with umbrellas in them, late night taco runs on the way home from the beach, and basically everything that has to do with the Fourth of July, it can be hard to stay on track with your weight loss […]
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These weight loss crock pot dinners taste amazing and will help you keep warm during weight loss in winter.
This is the time of year for some good comfort food, and so you may want to think through some weight loss crock pot dinners. Many people think that comfort food, particularly the type made in a crock pot, can?t possibly be healthy?but this is a wrong assumption!
Using fresh and natural ingredients and making healthy substitutions can ensure that you get the ease of a crock pot meal, and yet not the usual fat that this sort of comfort food can bring. So if you?re wondering what to make tonight, try looking into one of these easy weight loss crock pot dinners that will wow any crowd!
Spicy Black Bean Soup
This is one of the easiest weight loss crock pot dinners out there, and yet it?s so substantial. You won?t believe how quickly you can make it, and it?s sure to please the most discerning taste.
1 tablespoon olive oil 2 medium-size red onions, chopped 1 medium-size red bell pepper, chopped 1 medium-size green bell pepper, chopped 4 garlic cloves, minced 4 teaspoons ground cumin 1 16-ounce package dried black beans 1 tablespoon chopped chipotle chiles from a can (use less if you prefer less heat) 7 cups hot water (tap water is fine) 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 teaspoons coarse kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Optional toppings: sour cream Greek yogurt crema or creme fraiche avocadoDirections:
Heat olive oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onions and both bell peppers and saut� until beginning to brown, about eight minutes. Add garlic and cumin; stir one minute. Transfer mixture to 6-quart slow cooker. Add beans and chipotles, then 7 cups hot water. Cover and cook on high until beans are very tender, about 3 hours, but longer if necessary.
Transfer four cups bean mixture to blender; puree
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This weekly strength training routine gives your muscles time to recover and grow as you lose weight.
If you are looking for a new weekly strength training routine, or you’re just ready to take on some strength training it is possible to get even stronger in just 15 minutes a day. The key is to utilize each day of the week to target a different muscle group. By doing this you are allowing your muscles enough time to recover, rebuild, and in turn become stronger. Just make sure you incorporate plenty of stretching, warm-up time, and cooldown time to your routine.
Strength Training Routine: Monday and Thursday-Arms and Shoulders
There are many great arm exercises. You can do either push-ups, dumbbell curls, forearm plank, chair dips, or the balance course strengthener. A one arm strengthening favorite is the Plank Press. Get into full push-up position with arms shoulder-width apart and hands directly under shoulders. Dumbbells are optional, if you choose to use them you will need 3 to 5 pounds. Keep your hips level, lift right hand and pick up one dumbbell; bring right elbow backward at shoulder level, keep your arm close to your side and your palm facing down. Then extend your right arm forward, turn right elbow to bent position and repeat. Do 10 reps then switch sides and repeat, doing two sets.
Strength Training Routine: Tuesday and Friday-Core
core exercises are essential for a well-rounded fitness program. Core exercises help to improve your balance and stability. Core exercises help your pelvis, lower back, abdomen, and hips to work in sync with each other, leading to better balance and stability. Core exercises are convenient and they don’t require any special equipment. A common and effective core workout is a bridge. Lay down on your back and bend your knees. Keep your
Read More Weekly Strength Training Routine for Weight Loss
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This is a guest post by Macy. In my early visits at the gym, I observed that the treadmill is a very popular choice for those who want a cardiovascular workout. I was not that surprised, since I knew that the treadmill is so simple to use and it can adapt to all fitness levels. […]
Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog
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Have you ever thought about the number of calories you'd burn each day if you had to walk or bike everywhere you went? It's worth considering, because the payout could be huge!
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This is a guest post by Helena. Are you still sticking to your resolution to get fit? Instead of becoming discouraged or giving up when it becomes clear just how much hard work and dedication that big goal is going to take, I?m going to outline how I?m setting myself up for success. By committing […]
Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog
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Not all cardio exercises are equal. Things such as biking on uneven terrain are highly effective for burning maximum fat.
It’s common knowledge that cardio burns fat. The big question is which cardio exercises burn fat faster. The answer is not only the kind of cardio, but the conditions under which you also do the cardio exercises. Factors such as timing, food, and customization will also make a significant difference in how much that is actually burned.
Morning cardio training on an empty stomach is a common and effective practice. By keeping the body drained of its stored form of glucose it’s then forced to burn fat or protein. This means first thing in the morning your cortisol hormone is hot and is going to break down the appropriate tissues based on the hormones that are around. When you eat, insulin is elevated and then the cortisone will attack your muscles. However if you do not eat prior to cardio, your body will then go after your body fat. This is a way to make your cardio burn fat faster, no matter what the cardio is.
High intensity interval training is the superior of cardio exercises. Not only does it burn more calories, but it also tends to burn more fat as well. High intensity interval training really does burn fat fast so you can get the same result in the 15 to 20 minute session that you can get in a 30 to 45 minute session of any other exercise. An example of high intensity interval training would be if you were to go jogging for two minutes Sprint for one minute then go back to jogging for two minutes repeating the sequence for 15 to 20 minutes. This can be applied to anything including cycling, elliptical, and swimming.
However if high
Read More Cardio Exercises That Burn Fat Faster
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I promised myself I wouldn’t post anymore this week, but truth be told, after 10 years it feels weird if I go more than a few days without sharing something on the blog at least really quick.
So since I’m up before everyone AGAIN, it felt like the perfect time to sneak on the computer.��I [...]
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Need a few tips to pack a healthier lunch for your kids? The school year is winding down, but soon summer camps will begin and there will be more pressure to provide fun foods that will keep your kids fueled for outdoor activities.
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Hellllllo from the Jersey Shore!
I kicked off vacation with a 6-mile run for my marathon training.
It was rough, even though it was flat, but boy did I feel great afterwards.
We spent the day on the beach despite not so great weather in the morning, but I convinced the family to stick [...]
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Did you know that May is National Salad Month? I didn't either. But now that I know, I've been inspired to spend the next few weeks eating greens, grains, and veggies. This can be dangerous, though, for people trying to lose weight. If you don't make your salad carefully, it can be full of fat and calories.
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A new study indicates growing support for anti-discrimation laws that prevent mistreatment of obese and overweight individuals. The research report published in Obesity found that 3 out of 4 individuals support efforts to add body weight as a protected class under Civil Rights laws. In addition, most of the people who were surveyed believe that we need other policy efforts to address weight discrimination across the nation.
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Sprinkling Sensa on your food has been shown to help promote weight loss.
You?ve probably heard about it and been tempted to try it so it leads you to wonder can Sensa really help with weight loss? There are so many diets out there and they all offer a different platform or approach for weight loss. The reality of the situation is that they all work differently but they are all trying to get you to do the same thing in the end?and that is to eat less. Ultimately Sensa is like so many products or diets out there that use a slightly different method to help you to eat less, feel satisfied, and ultimately take the weight off in this way. So though Sensa is a newer product, you want to be sure you know what you are getting.
As you ask yourself, “Can Sensa really help with weight loss?”, first understand how it works. These are crystals that you sprinkle onto your food right before you eat. They appeal to your sense of smell and even taste. They even come in different scents to give you the illusion of food, though you really aren?t getting anything more in the way of food out of it. These are no calorie and no fat crystals that are supposed to give you the illusion of feeling full faster. The smell and the makeup of the crystals is intended to help you to eat less and feel full, pulling you into change your mind set. So the idea is good, but can it really work?
You May Learn Better Portion Control and Eating Habits
Many experts will tell you that if you are asking, “Can Sensa really help?” then you should try it out. Another great approach to answering this question is to read Sensa
Read More Can Sensa Really Help Weight Loss?
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I’ve been in pajamas since, ohhhh I don’t know, 2-ish? I’m in the post-vacation blah mode but I #wycwyc’d my way to a productive Sensational Sunday!
First, I didn’t even give myself an option this morning. I woke up and hit a local trail for my 8-mile training run.
It was a [...]
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A new study indicates growing support for anti-discrimation laws that prevent mistreatment of obese and overweight individuals. The research report published in Obesity found that 3 out of 4 individuals support efforts to add body weight as a protected class under Civil Rights laws. In addition, most of the people who were surveyed believe that we need other policy efforts to address weight discrimination across the nation.
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