Friday, April 15, 2011

Help Me Bust My Breakfast Boredom!

One thing I have been often guilty of (whether dieting or not) is that weight loss "sin" of skipping breakfast.

As much as I know how important it is it still manages to slip by. I've never liked eating in the morning and I'm not keen on many breakfast foods, so it seems doomed. I started out my early days on the program using some of the breakfasts that were suggested by the meal plan I was provided on the Weight Watchers Web site.

Here they are with their corresponding PointsPlus values:
whole grain cereal, 2
cream of wheat, 3
bran flakes, 3
oatmeal, 3

I post their PP values because they're so similar. (Choosing one or the other doesn't really do any more or less "damage" to my day's allowance.) And I'm sick of these breakfasts because, well, they're so similar.

The only other go-to breakfast I rely on is yogurt. And, as I've mentioned before, I have this love-hate thing going on with yogurt. Most days I hate it.

I think the breakfast "thing" is a struggle for me because when I do skip it, I am then famished at night. I don't want to "blame" the diet when I know it is my fault for not getting in all my meals. Uugh.

If you are not a breakfast person, how have you found a way around your aversion to a.m. meals? Have you got any suggestions for low-PP value breakfasts that are easy to prep (preferably, no prep!). Post your suggestions in comments and help a hungry gal out!

(My promise of a three-month-wrap-up post was a little premature. Turns out I'll be trying the Weight Watchers PointsPlus for another three months! Here's hoping for another 20 pounds gone!)


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