Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Moms - Tip 4 Stop Blaming Your Genetics!
Weight Loss Video Diary ? Week 8: Chaos
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4 Common Mistakes Dieters Need To Avoid For A Successful Weight Loss
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Roni?s Must-Read Posts of 2013
We’re wrapping up another year! I can’t believe it!
2014 will be my ninth year blogging about my weight loss/maintenance/transition to — dare I say it? — athlete. If you are new to Roni’s Weigh or have been with me since the beginning, these posts are my must-reads from the year.
?I?m IN? Tough [...]Source:
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Not Blogging for a While, Focusing on Living Healthy
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Monday, December 30, 2013
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Cool Down Exercises, Cooling Down After Exercise
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The Happy and Healthy Checklist: Tips For Improving Your Quality of Life
This is a guest post by Sadie. It?s a sad fact of life, how common it is for people to feel dissatisfied with their careers, relationships or other personal matters every now and then. However, feeling this way is completely normal; even healthy, as only by realising the things that are holding us back is […]
Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog
The Happy and Healthy Checklist: Tips For Improving Your Quality of Life
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Fun Exercise Ideas, Fun Exercises, How to Make Exercise Fun
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Increase Your Bottom Line By Juicing at Home
Healthy Remedies For Stress, Anxiety, and Obesity
Are Your Fitness Goals Realistic?
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Two Types Of Exercises For Weight Loss and To Get Healthy
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Sunday, December 29, 2013
Some Tips to Help You Lose Weight & Improve Your Fitness
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Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition, Episode 1, Rachel
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Friday Five: Almost Christmas!
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The Top 3 Reasons Your Diet Isn't Working
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Can Sensa Really Help Weight Loss?
Sprinkling Sensa on your food has been shown to help promote weight loss.
You?ve probably heard about it and been tempted to try it so it leads you to wonder can Sensa really help with weight loss? There are so many diets out there and they all offer a different platform or approach for weight loss. The reality of the situation is that they all work differently but they are all trying to get you to do the same thing in the end?and that is to eat less. Ultimately Sensa is like so many products or diets out there that use a slightly different method to help you to eat less, feel satisfied, and ultimately take the weight off in this way. So though Sensa is a newer product, you want to be sure you know what you are getting.
As you ask yourself, “Can Sensa really help with weight loss?”, first understand how it works. These are crystals that you sprinkle onto your food right before you eat. They appeal to your sense of smell and even taste. They even come in different scents to give you the illusion of food, though you really aren?t getting anything more in the way of food out of it. These are no calorie and no fat crystals that are supposed to give you the illusion of feeling full faster. The smell and the makeup of the crystals is intended to help you to eat less and feel full, pulling you into change your mind set. So the idea is good, but can it really work?
You May Learn Better Portion Control and Eating Habits
Many experts will tell you that if you are asking, “Can Sensa really help?” then you should try it out. Another great approach to answering this question is to read Sensa
Read More Can Sensa Really Help Weight Loss?
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Free Workout Plans, Free Workout Routines, Free Exercise Programs
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Peace of Mind
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Saturday, December 28, 2013
How To Get Your Body Back To Fat Burning, Even If Your Body Is Fat Loss Resistant
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Calories in Lobster, Lobster Calories, Lobster Nutrition Facts
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God Wants You To Be Thin
God Wants You To Be Thin is a post from: Correct Weight Loss Blog
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Top 10 Weight Loss Tips for Moms - Tip 2 Don't Count Calories, Count Nutrients
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Why What You Eat Is Important To Losing Weight
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Friday Five: Almost Christmas!
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Friday, December 27, 2013
Merry Christmas!
Wishing all of my readers a peaceful, restful and healthy holiday. Enjoy!
How to Reduce Fat Effectively
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How Can I Reduce Weight?
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How tennis is becoming one of the most enjoyable ways to keep fit
This is a guest post by Ben Walker. Tennis has been around for years and used to be seen as a sport for higher class society, but more people are picking up a racket and giving it a go as a way of keeping fit. There are no limitations to playing with the opposite sex […]
Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog
How tennis is becoming one of the most enjoyable ways to keep fit
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Why The Diets You Try Don't Work
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Plan a Healthy Christmas Meal
Have you planned your holiday meal yet? If you want to curb the calorie intake, you can make a few changes now to eat less at the big dinner. Of course, you'll want to prepare plenty of lower calorie vegetable dishes, offer festive flavored water as an alternative to high calorie drinks and keep your cookie intake under control. But you can also use these resources to make decisions about which foods to serve, get lower calories alternatives and food swap ideas.
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3 Ways to Improve Your Fitness Right Away
This is a guest post by Helena. Are you still sticking to your resolution to get fit? Instead of becoming discouraged or giving up when it becomes clear just how much hard work and dedication that big goal is going to take, I?m going to outline how I?m setting myself up for success. By committing […]
Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog
3 Ways to Improve Your Fitness Right Away
Calories in Wasabi Root, Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
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Thursday, December 26, 2013
Metabolism for Your Diet
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Chiropractic Care for Weight Loss
How Can Pea Protein Help You Lose Weight?
Calories in Swiss Chard, Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
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Why Mastering Your Emotions Works for Weight Loss
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Why Weight Loss Fails and What to Do About It
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Not Blogging for a While, Focusing on Living Healthy
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Metabolism for Your Diet
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013
How Lifting Heavy Weights Gets Rid Of Cellulite
Cardio Exercises That Burn Fat Faster
Not all cardio exercises are equal. Things such as biking on uneven terrain are highly effective for burning maximum fat.
It’s common knowledge that cardio burns fat. The big question is which cardio exercises burn fat faster. The answer is not only the kind of cardio, but the conditions under which you also do the cardio exercises. Factors such as timing, food, and customization will also make a significant difference in how much that is actually burned.
Morning cardio training on an empty stomach is a common and effective practice. By keeping the body drained of its stored form of glucose it’s then forced to burn fat or protein. This means first thing in the morning your cortisol hormone is hot and is going to break down the appropriate tissues based on the hormones that are around. When you eat, insulin is elevated and then the cortisone will attack your muscles. However if you do not eat prior to cardio, your body will then go after your body fat. This is a way to make your cardio burn fat faster, no matter what the cardio is.
High intensity interval training is the superior of cardio exercises. Not only does it burn more calories, but it also tends to burn more fat as well. High intensity interval training really does burn fat fast so you can get the same result in the 15 to 20 minute session that you can get in a 30 to 45 minute session of any other exercise. An example of high intensity interval training would be if you were to go jogging for two minutes Sprint for one minute then go back to jogging for two minutes repeating the sequence for 15 to 20 minutes. This can be applied to anything including cycling, elliptical, and swimming.
However if high
Read More Cardio Exercises That Burn Fat Faster
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Making A GymPact
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Safest and Most Effective Appetite Suppressant
Phentramin-D is an extremely safe and effective appetite suppressant that can be taken longer than the leading prescription.
There are a variety of diet pills out there. In fact, the market is saturated. You would think you would have pick of the litter of fantastic diet pills to choose from however, it is a bit harder than it looks. While there are quite a few, the trend seems to be to put loads of stimulants in an appetite suppressant. This is not for everyone.
There are however, proprietary blends that are naturceutical and safe as well as effective. You can use these as often and as long as you like without the worry of having a perscription. A perscription means you have to have a physical and be prescribed the pill as well as be monitored while you are on it. You may also get cut off by the doctor because you have hit the safe limit. With safe appetite suppressants, you don?t have to worry at all.
What is the safest and most effective appetite suppressant out there?
Phentramin-d is the safest and most effective appetite suppressant on the market now. There is a prescription brand that is Phentermine of which Phentramin-d is the sister.. So we will discuss the advantages of taking Phentramin-d instead.
What is the advantage of taking Phentramin-d instead?
Phentramin-d is the safest and most effective appetite suppressant out there. The main advantage is not needing a prescription to get it and the other most important to most people is that you don?t have the side effects that the Phentermine has.
The Phentermine pill helps you to resist eating so it is anorectic drug. It can also cause side effects such as rapid heartbeat and high blood pressure. This pill can?t be taken for very long. The safer pill Phentramin-d doesn?t
Read More Safest and Most Effective Appetite Suppressant
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Tired Of Low Carb Diets? Here Is How To Get The Benefits Of Carbs Without The Fat Storage
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10 Ways I?m Pushing Myself Out of My Comfort Zone in 2014
As this year comes to a close, I’m in total planning mode. A long time ago I learned to stop talking about doing things and actually DO things.
This is what I have in the works for 2014 …
10. #wycwyc The Book!�A few months ago I issued a #wycwyc challenge and it’s really taking [...]
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Still Drinking Diet Soda?
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Are Your Fitness Goals Realistic?
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Milk and Weight Loss
Milk and Weight Loss is a post from: Correct Weight Loss Blog
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Ready for the 2012 Olympics?
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Flight To Colombia
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How You Can Use Cheat Meals To Lose Fat Faster
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Weigh-In Wednesday: Food Journaling
Here we are again. It’s Wednesday. Is December flying by or what?
Holy crap I just looked at the calendar! It’s exactly two weeks until Christmas! That’s crazy talk!
Well, at least the next two weekends I have fun things planned. This Friday is The Husband’s annual office holiday party. I always look forward to [...]
3 Ways to Improve Your Fitness Right Away
This is a guest post by Helena. Are you still sticking to your resolution to get fit? Instead of becoming discouraged or giving up when it becomes clear just how much hard work and dedication that big goal is going to take, I?m going to outline how I?m setting myself up for success. By committing […]
Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog
3 Ways to Improve Your Fitness Right Away
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Monday, December 23, 2013
Calories in Blue Cheese, Blue Cheese Calories, Blue Cheese Nutrition Facts
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Calories in Romano Cheese, Romano Cheese Nutrition Facts
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Calories in Sardines, Sardine Nutrition Facts
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The Summer Weight Gain Struggle
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Is BistroMD Worth The Cost?
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Calories in Port Salut Cheese, Port Salut Nutrition
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South Beach Diet
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Calories in Swiss Chard, Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
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Weight Loss Trick That Teaches Your Body To Burn Belly Fat First
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No Time for Sleep!
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How to Do Squats Safely and Effectively
How to Do Squats Safely and Effectively is a post from: Correct Weight Loss Blog
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Plan a Healthy Christmas Meal
Have you planned your holiday meal yet? If you want to curb the calorie intake, you can make a few changes now to eat less at the big dinner. Of course, you'll want to prepare plenty of lower calorie vegetable dishes, offer festive flavored water as an alternative to high calorie drinks and keep your cookie intake under control. But you can also use these resources to make decisions about which foods to serve, get lower calories alternatives and food swap ideas.
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Guide to Cost Effective Weight Loss Program
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Saturday, December 21, 2013
Calories in Swiss Chard, Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
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Top 10 Secrets To Losing Weight
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Weight Loss Video Diary ? Weeks 12 & 13: I?m Back
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Sixty Pounds Later: A Weight Loss Story
Quick Holiday Workouts to Burn Calories
If you're like most of us, you have no room in your busy schedule to exercise this week. Unfortunately, this is the time of year when your body really needs that activity. Physical movement will help you burn off those extra holiday treats, will help alleviate stress and may help you sleep better at night. So how do you squeeze in a workout between holiday parties, shopping and family get-togethers?
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How Can Pea Protein Help You Lose Weight?
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6 Great Weight Loss Tips
This is a guest post by Drew. There are dozens upon dozens of diet plans out there that all promise to help you lose an incredible amount of weight in a very short period of time. Unfortunately, the end results are often not what was hoped or expected. I?ve tried a few of these so […]
Post from: John Is Fit - Personal Weight Loss Blog
6 Great Weight Loss Tips
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Healthy Monday Tip: Learn About Belly Fat to Bust Your Gut
If someone invented a pill that could permanently eliminate belly fat, they would make more money than they could spend in ten lifetimes. Sadly, however, that's not likely to happen. So if you need to get rid of a beer belly, a paunch, or a thick midsection, diet and exercise are still your best options.
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