Thursday, October 24, 2013

Does Study Really Prove That Weight Watchers is Better?

lose weightA new research study was published yesterday indicating that Weight Watchers works better than self-help for people who want to lose weight. The headline might inspire you to run off to Weight Watchers and sign up for their services.  But before you pull your credit card out of your wallet, there are a few things you should know about the study and about the conclusions drawn by the researchers.

First, this study was funded by Weight Watchers.  Does that mean that the research isn't legitimate? No. But when a company funds research into their own product, the study is often set up to favor a flattering result.

Second, study participants were given free access to Weight Watchers services. People who took part in the study were assigned to either a self-help group where they were given educational materials about weight loss or they were given free access to weekly meetings, online services and mobile apps.  This set-up doesn't reflect what would happen in the real world.  Weight Watchers services require a monthly fee.


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