Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Lose Weight Within a Fortnight Using a Homemade Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet

The Master Cleanse lemonade diet grabbed the attention of the world when celebrities like Beyonce effectively used the diet to trim their figures. Did you know the cleansing diet is actually a detoxifying diet and not a weight loss diet? Ah, never mind! It cuts both ways, anyway. Stanley Burroughs, the creator of the Master Cleanse diet, was an alternative health promoter who created the diet as a cure for stomach ulcers. He then started promoting it as a body cleansing diet to help rid the body of toxins which expose the body to various ailments and diseases. In recent times, the diet is used as a weight loss diet with an added benefit of detoxifying the body. Talk of reversing the roles as a marketing strategy!


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