Sunday, June 19, 2011

How To Enjoy Spaghetti And Keep Pounds Off?

You shouldn't put your life on hold when on a diet, all you have to do is to be more cautious about your food choices and you should be good - so, I thought. Until, last Saturday, my friend called me up and took me for a lunch to an Italian restaurant. After not a very long consideration we finely ordered: I went with spaghetti with meat sauce, my friend decided to have spaghetti with meatballs. We also decided to share a large leafy salad with some olive oil and no salt. The salad was just beautiful: dark green and fresh. But, the salad is not what I want to talk about. The main dish servings were larger than I expected, my Bolognese sauce was sort of fatty and we thought that the meatballs were topped with it as well. I was almost sorry I went out just two days after finishing bikini emergency diet. Two days later, I am still wondering if there is anything on the menu in an Italian eatery that can be enjoyed by somebody, who is on a diet or tries to keep pounds off after the diet. Below I am giving a list...


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