Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Is BMI Good For Determining Who Is Overweight, Or Obese? Excess Weight Hurts Health In Either Case

How good of an indicator is BMI for determining "overweight", and "obese"? Most of us know if we are overweight. We don't even need the benefit of a scale. We just know. What we don't often know (and are afraid to find out) is whether we are to be officially classified as overweight... or whether we are obese. Is there a difference or are they the same? The answer is...yes, to both questions. In fact, overweight and obesity are the same in some ways, and they are different in other ways. They are "the same" in that both most likely cause a person to be in sub-optimal health and at greater danger for chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. They are also the same in that both are determined by a measurement called BMI (more about that in a bit). However, overweight and Obesity are different.....


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